Global College of Management Review (By a Real Student)

By Suraj Chaudhary

Are you considering Global College of Management for your plus two degree? Do you want the most extensive and best review of Global College of Management (GCM)?

If so, you are in the right place.

In this article, I will give you an in-depth review of Global College of Management which is located in Mid-Baneshwor, Kathmandu.

Overall GCM Rating

















I was an actual student at Global College of Management (GCM). I graduated in 2023 AD.

But do not worry, because that will not cloud my judgement. This post is not influenced by any external factors.

It is based 100% on my, the author’s, experience at GCM.

It will only enable me to give you an actual picture of what Global College of Management is like.

This will not be a superficial review written by some online publication only for views.

This will be in-depth review of the Global College of Management.

I also prepared a list of some of the best colleges for plus two in Nepal that you can have a look at.

In that article we discussed about how do decide if you really want to study Plus Two, what to look for in a Plus Two college, science vs management, and listed some best colleges for Plus Two in Nepal for both Science and Commerce.

If you want you can read that article here.

So let’s begin right away.

Additional Details

Reputation of Global College of Management (GCM)

Global College of Management (GCM) has a really good reputation among students and parents across Nepal.

The primary reasons that cause this are the ECA and academics at GCM.

It is understandable if you are researching about Global College of Management because your parents are pushing you towards picking GCM.

Global College also has a strong presence on YouTube with over 118,000 subscribers.

Here is their YouTube channel:

GCM has also been recognized as the “Best +2 Management College of the Year” for several years by Nepal Education Award.

Academics/Studies at Global College of Management (GCM)

As you are researching about the colleges/high schools for your plus two degree, the two most important things that you might consider are:

  1. Studies
  2. ECA

While talking about the academics/studies of Global College of Management, you can be rest assured that you will be in good hands.

Global College of Management (GCM) has be producing incredible results since several years.

The impressive results is what has allowed it to get so popular among parents and students.

Also read: How to become a productive student?

For the past few years, some of the toppers of CA exams have been from the Global College of Management.

Most recently, in June 2023, Bigya Subedi (GCM graduate) got Rank 2 all over Nepal in CA CAP II exams. He also got Rank 2 in CAP I with 90.67%.

Similarly, Asmita Timalsina who graduated from GCM topped CAP I CA Exams of Nepal with 88.33%.

Additionally, in 2021, Shreya Tiwari from GCM broke records as she topped the CAP I CA Exams of Nepal with 89.33%.

You can watch this interview of her where she talks extensively about how her experience and support from GCM that allowed her to do so.

Even recently, at least 3 of top 10 CA toppers have graduated from the Global College of Management.

Don’t be mistaken though. GCM does not only prepare CA aspirants.

I have personally noticed my classmates who started as below average or average students academically and went on to progress to good grades in all subjects.

The thing is that at GCM, your education is the only primary requirement of the teachers.

If you score well, do your assignments, the teachers will allow you to participate in any and as many events as you want.

Assignments at Global College of Management (GCM)

This is a part section.

Some students really like the assignment system of GCM and others hate it.

Personally, I was more on the neutral side.

There is a good amount of assignments that you will be given at GCM. But if you give it some time every day, it won’t be a burden.

It will be a burden when you skip assignments and let it pile up for several days.

That is when you’ll need to pull an all-nighter before the assignment submission deadline.

Look, the only reason we get some assignments everyday at Global is for the revision and practice.

The act of doing assignments allowed me to learn some concepts while doing the assignments itself. That is effort saved for during exams.

So, if you are someone who doesn’t like to do assignments that much, you should reconsider GCM.

The reason is that the college management at GCM is very strict about assignments. So you cannot avoid assignment submission and call it a day.

NOTE: While it might seem like GCM is all about assignments, it’s really not. The assignments are okay amount, like you can do them with a bit of discipline. The other aspects of GCM make it worth it.

Teachers & Services at Global College of Management (GCM)

GCM has the best teachers (period).

That is a statement most people cannot deny.

Global makes it a goal to hire the best teachers in the country and pay them ridiculous money so that they give their best.

I think that is the reason why the results of GCM are so good.

The teachers at GCM are really passionate. It’s almost like teaching is their calling.

They will teach you the same topic over and over again in different ways until you understand it. They will stay late after school hours to teach you.

My maths teacher, Mr. Ashok Pandey (AP sir) taught me over MS Teams till 9PM at night when I couldn’t understand a topic in class. Incredible effort.

Teachers at GCM are paid to give extra hours to students.

The best part is that there are different teachers for the same subjects. So if you don’t understand the way one teacher teachers the topic, you can go to someone else and they will teach you.

There are also nurses and counsellors for the phases of life when you’re not at your best.

They are incredibly understanding, considerate, and always there for the students.

Thank god that mental health is not a taboo at Global and you can freely talk to the counsellor ma’am whenever you need someone to talk to.

ECA, Clubs, and Sports at Global College of Management (GCM)

ECA and clubs are other major reasons behind GCM’s success in the market.

First of all, there are a bunch of ECA that are organized by the college itself including several dance and singing competitions, sports competitions, vlog competition, public speaking and poetry competitions.

Global even has their own futsal that students can use.

Besides the ECA that are conducted by the college’s ECA department of the college, there are 6 clubs in Global College of Management.

The clubs at Global College of Management are as follows:

  1. Explore Idea (Website, Instagram)
  2. GCMUN Club (Instagram)
  3. GCM Music Club (Instagram)
  4. GCM Social Club (Instagram)
  5. Global Debate Club (Instagram)
  6. The Avant-Garde Literary Club (Instagram)

The first club of GCM, Explore Idea, was established in 2074 BS by a group of students.

Since then other clubs have been started by students and all the clubs have been collectively been organizing several events (competitions, workshops, interactions, talks, etc) with guests from all industries of Nepal.

You can participate in events organized by the ECA department and clubs since grade 11 and you can join a club yourself towards the end of grade 11.

The only thing to consider is that you’ll need to be at least an average student academically and not fail in any exams in order to join a club in Global College of Management (GCM).

Diversity at Global College of Management (GCM)

The diversity at GCM is comparable to any other high school/college in Kathmandu.

There will be students from various parts of the country while the majority will be from the Hill and Himalayan regions of Nepal.

Regardless of that, there is no feeling of discrimination at GCM. I am from Terai as well and it didn’t seem like I was a minority.

While talking about the financial diversity, it’s similar.

There will be people from all financial backgrounds as long as they can afford it. (We will talk about the fees and affordability later in this article.)

Food at Global College of Management (GCM)

GCM runs its cafeteria in contract basis.

During my time at GCM, the cafeteria management was replaced once.

The quality went from good to noice, i.e. the quality improved.

There are instances when food isn’t the best. But we can make complaints to the college management and they will take the necessary action.

I haven’t had to, but some of my friends made a few complaints and there were amendments.

The menu in GCM’s cafeteria is changes every day so you won’t have to have the same food two days in a row if you don’t want to.

Additionally, till the noon, you will be able to get proper lunch (both veg and non-veg) in case you were unable to have lunch before your day classes or are hungry after your morning classes.

The lunch is really good also because most teachers eat in college because they are full time and the quality has to be maintained.

Infrastructure of Global College of Management (GCM)

Global College of Management (GCM) has really good infrastructure.

It has smart classes with computers (normal these days), projectors and speakers in all classes.

It has warm and cold water, lost and found, and washrooms on each floor.

It also has a lift that you can use when you’re sick or cannot climb the stairs for whatever reason.

It has a big library with all genres of books that you can borrow to read, a big study table to do your assignments when you want to study, and a focus-zone that you can use to do intense studying in silence.

It of course also has a computer lab with good specs of computers (thank god!).

It also has three basketball courts, a mini park, a huge futsal, a cricket practice net and a lot of real estate to just sit, walk, and wind down.

Cost and Fees of Global College of Management (GCM)

Now, the moment of truth.

A lot of people have the question “What is the fee structure of Global College of Management (GCM)?”

Here is the fee structure of Global College of Management (GCM) for the admission cycle of 2080 BS (2023 AD) which may change later:

NOTE: This fee structure is subject to change.

Collectively, GCM will cost you around 5.6 lakhs without any scholarship.

Fortunately there are good scholarships that will help you bring this cost down.

I had to pay 2.5 lakh for my overall Plus Two education from GCM.

If you are a studious person and scored well during your SEE, you may be able to get almost 90-95% in scholarships.

Those are all the major things you might want to consider before deciding if Global College of Management is a good college for Plus Two for your requirements.

I hope it was helpful.

If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to me by dropping a comment down below.

Suraj Chaudhary is a writer, developer, founder, and a constant learner. He shares lessons and resources for living a fuller life every week. On this blog, he shares helpful guides and helpful articles that help his 70,000+ monthly readers find answers, solve problems, and meet their curious needs.

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