Are you looking for the 100 lesson from Andrew Tate’s Hustlers University? Do you want to know all the key points and lessons from Hustlers University 4.0?
If so, you are in the right place.
In this article, I am going to share with you all the 100 lessons from Andrew Tate’s Hustlers University.
If you are someone who wants to grow, there are loads of courses out there on the internet. But truth be told, most of them are useless.
Most of those courses are created by people who haven’t done what they are preaching themselves.
Andrew Tate is one of those people who has done it. He is someone who has achieved things that many people only dream of.
He is a multi-millionaire.
Even though he got viral on the internet as not a very positive person, he has a lot of things to teach.
That’s why he created the Hustlers University.
Currently it costs $49.99/month.
While for some people it may not be very expensive, for most, it is very expensive.
Which is why, in this article, I am sharing with you the core lessons that Andrew Tate gives in his Hustlers University.
Let’s go:
Also read: How to make money online as a student?
Lessons from Andrew Tate’s Hustlers University
1. Higher education is a scam
Traditional higher education is a scam and a waste of time because of double inflation:
- More and more degrees are produced every year, and more and more people graduate from colleges and universities with degrees. Because of that the degrees that society pushes you to obtain lose their value every year.
- The price of higher education goes up every year as universities charge more and more. Because of that, people are not only getting a degree which is constantly losing its value, but they are also paying more for it.
- If more degrees exist, then the law of supply and demand states the price should go down, not up.
- The amount of time and money you spent working towards getting your diploma could have been spent actually making money and building legitimate experience, which is what employers and clients really want.
- More and more companies are removing college degrees as a prerequisite for hiring. What they want is skill, not some degree, unless you want to become a lawyer or doctor.
2. Speed is important, nothing about your business can be slow
- Work and react quickly. Everything needs to be done fast, and that doesn’t mean done inexpensively or cheaply. It must be quick, inexpensive, and of high quality.
- When the trainer asks, professional fighters learn to punch correctly, and then more quickly. Punching more quickly doesn’t mean they are degrading the quality of your punch. Keep the same quality of your punch, and just do it more quickly. Faster. That is how you will win the match.
- When an airplane’s engines fail, the airplane still remains in the air and keeps flying due to forward momentum. It doesn’t stop and fall out of the sky immediately. You need to build momentum, i.e. do things faster.
- Don’t accept long, stupid timeframes. Everyone is slow, and being slow is deadly. Something generally requires 1 week to get it done, do it in 2 days. And it is possible, Parkinson’s Law proves it is possible.
- The longer it takes to get a business running, the less money you make in the long term. So get things running ASAP. Don’t waste time on unnecessary things.
- Companies say in their job descriptions they “require” a university degree to get a trial period at a company which may or may not lead to a job. But if you’re ‘willing to offer them them to work for free for one week, and if they’re not happy with your performance not to give you the job.
- Having a lot of clients adds to your credibility and reputation, even if sell cheaper in the beginning and ultimately lose money for some time. Acquire as many clients and customers as possible, even if it’s for cheap. You can bump up the price later and charge more or offer more variety of products or services that are expensive. If you have a large client or customer base, people will trust you and they will buy from you.
3. A business is only money in your bank. That is all.
- Your business is not your logo, your accountant, your lawyer, your office space, copyright, etc. All of these things cost money and do not make money. You’ve no money, you’ve no business. Cash is first. You only have a business when you’re making money.
- You can eventually use your reputation and results to upsell current clients and increase margins with new clients.
- Expenses are problems. Money can fix those problems. Money in is business. Money out is a vanity.
- Do the bare minimum to get clients and begin promoting your business. Once people buy your product/service, use that money to deliver them with the product or service.
- Don’t spend money until you’re already making money.
- What matters isn’t what you sell, but that it sells. If it sells, sell it, reinvest the money you make, and get rich.
- Be passionate for profit.
- You don’t need to know about things to sell things. You need to know about selling to sell things.
- Prioritize begin selling over starting with everything you think you require to start. You require nothing. All you need is an idea and marketing.
4. Start ideas for free.
- You don’t need investors.
- You can make a simple free website with photos of products you don’t have yet but can obtain once orders come in, and you’ve a way to get paid. First, get paid then figure out how to provide the product quickly afterwards. The worst case scenario is if you are unable to deliver, you give them their money back.
- You only lose when money isn’t coming in. Create your front end first; worry about the back end later.
- When a business costs nothing to launch, you can launch many and then invest only in those that show revenue. It costs nothing to set up a new revenue stream.
- For example, if you wanted to start a clothing business. Don’t worry about getting inventory, setting up a warehouse, a shop, and all other time-consuming stupid things. Simply do some research, find the design of clothes that you can buy from somewhere else, put your logo on it, and begin advertising your business. If someone buys from you, then place the order yourself, rebrand it, and ship it to the customer. If your product sells, you lose nothing. But if you had started with all the inventory, warehouse, etc., and if no one bought from you, you would lose a lot of money.
- After someone places an order and you require more time, just shoot them an email saying: “Due to the high demand for the product you ordered, there will be a slight delay in the delivery. And additionally, we will send you a gift along with your ordered product absolutely for free.” Once you do that, people will happily wait. Everyone loves free stuff.
5. Family and friends you trust are the best staff/collaborators/cofounders you can get.
- Collaborate with family whenever possible.
- Collectively owning and sharing expenses with people you know you can trust keeps costs down.
- Recruit 15-year-old cousins, brothers, or neighbors who have nothing better to do. Most kids and young people know more about Photoshop than you do. Let them work for free for experience and if they do a good job, pay them.
- Young people have nothing to lose, they have no rent to pay, and no one to feed. Adults have expenses and a lot more to lose, so require a paycheck.
6. Command respect.
- Take advantage of physical presence. At the beginning of business, all you have is your word, your reputation, and your presence.
- Being physically fit, intelligent, attractive, and well-dressed favors success and respect in other people’s eyes.
- When you are in good shape, people assume you are disciplined and hard-working. This is the Halo effect. When that happens, when you seem strong and big, people respect you more. They are willing to work for you and invest with you.
- Even if commanding respect leads to just 10% more business, that could mean $100,000/year in additional income. Not a bad idea.
7. Reselling to current satisfied clients is easier than acquiring more customers.
- It’s harder to sell to strangers than it is to sell satisfied customers.
- Upsell extra packages to happy clients. Selling strangers a $25,000 package is hard. Selling your clients a $15,000 package and then upselling another $10,000 is a lot easier.
- Don’t upsell AFTER you’ve shown them the final product. Sell them and then offer an upsell just before you show them the final product before they’ve seen the results of your work.
- Don’t seek outside investment until you’ve exhausted all upsell opportunities from current clients.
- Retaining clients leads to recurring income on which you can add more gradually.
- When you satisfy your current clients and retain them, they can also help you grow your business by referring to their friends. Free money for you.
8. Don’t get legal before you get rich.
- Registering a company, hiring an accountant, opening a business bank account, and registering with the government are all expenses.
- Don’t pay $1000s for legal on a business that fails. First, prove the viability of your business model, then invest in legal. Once you have money coming in, you can easily fix the legal stuff.
- This allows you to open 100s businesses, and if only 10 make money, why throw away time and money on 90 failed business ideas?
- Making money is hard. Spending money is easy. That is why most people waste time on doing the legal things first in the time they could be acquiring clients because it is easier to spend money.
- You can fix legal issues after you have money.
9. Use what/who you’ve got access to.
- Got a brother who can create websites? You now own a website creation company. Make a list of people and things you have access to, and how you can use it to make money.
- “How can I bring money in without spending any money?” Always ask yourself “How can I increase revenue AND decrease cost?”
- If you’re talented and your idea is good, you don’t need investment money to launch.
- You already have what it takes to get started. Don’t stall and just plan and think, go out there and do the work.
- Use what you have.
10. Staff either make you money or save you time, or you don’t need them.
- Sales staff bring money in. Personal assistants can save you time.
- Coming to work late and leaving early… Sick days… lunch, coffee, and cigarette breaks, browsing social media all cost YOU money. Inefficient staff will only waste a lot of your time and money.
- Evaluate staff productivity frequently and fire staff who no longer save you time or money. Especially if they don’t even cover their own wage. Staff who are doing a great job meeting targets need to work on meeting them more quickly.
- Audit how much your staff is costing you and how much money they are making for you or how much time they are saving you. If it’s not net positive, get rid of them.
- “It took you 2 weeks. How can you do it in 1 week?”
- For time saved such as personal assistants, include how much money you could make instead of doing those tasks yourself.
- There’s always more work to do, especially for startups, and finding work to do adds up. The more work a staff member gets done, the more valuable they become.
- Many staff are lazy and just waste time. In most companies, you could fire 50% of the staff and it would make no difference in the output. Audit and get rid of the staff that are not helping you make profit.
- You have got to be ruthless in this game.
11. Outsource cheaply.
- Hire students, Independents on Fiverr… Nearly anything you need done a student can do for you.
- Avoid hiring another company with their own employees to do your work for you because companies have added expenses and their goal is to get as much money out you that they can and to look out for their own interests; not yours.
- Your relationship with people will always be better and cheaper than working with companies.
12. Work with people who have a vested interest.
- Companies take on new clients to generate money, even if that means missing deadlines they promised you.
- Once that company collects their money from you, they don’t care if you fail, but employees who have a vested interest in your success will do everything they can to make sure you do not fail.
- Companies are not interested in making you rich, they’re interested in making themselves rich. A person can create a website for $100. A company will charge you $1,000s and try to upsell you while also looking for new clients.
13. Business won’t last forever, so when you find a money-maker get rich quickly and ruthlessly. Look out for yourself while it makes money.
- The only goal of your business is to make you rich.
- Put yourself above your business and pay yourself first.
- Don’t keep reinvesting 100% of revenue back into keeping a business barely afloat, and don’t keep your business alive at your expense.
- After you’ve gotten rich, you no longer need to care if that particular business fails because you should already have a few other businesses up and running.
- CEOs when they see their business is failing, protect themselves first while they still can, even though all their employees and clients will get screwed.
14. It’s very hard to fail if you don’t spend money.
- Spending money is how most businesses fail because they spend it on the wrong things or without sufficient future revenue coming in to offset the expenses.
- Once successful, spend your money strategically to stay competitive and up to date.
- Only spend money on things that bring money in or save you time.
15. When you do need to spend money, only spend in a way that will directly bring more money in.
- You don’t NEED an office; you’re already making money without an office. Instead of spending your money on an office, spend that money paying Youtubers to talk about you and bring in money.
16. To control your reputation, do more good than bad.
- You’ll always have people who hate you.
- Most people who dislike you won’t go aggressively public against you.
- One of the best ways to create a bad reputation is to ignore unhappy clients. As long as they’re emailing you privately, their not posting publicly on social media.
17. Change the way you think about money.
- Your only objective is to get rich. Make thinking about making money all the time a reflex; a philosophy.
- Everything you do comes from a business with a business model designed to make you money. Therefore with everything you do, experience it from the perspective of a business person.
- Keep your business mind sharp. When you go to a coffee shop or visit a website, ask yourself:
- ‘How could I run this business and make money?’
- ‘What is their pitch?’
- ‘What are their prices?’
- ‘How busy are they?’
- ‘How much is rent?’
- ‘What are upsells and cross-sells?’
- ‘Who are their target customers?’
- ‘Who are the owners?’
- ‘Who’s making the money?’
- ‘What mistakes are they making?’
- Doing this trains your brain to be creative and identify mistakes in your own business model as well as opportunities you hadn’t thought about before.
18. Always focus on identifying how you can do your job better.
- Don’t just do your job bare minimum. Make a complete list of all the things you could be doing to do a better job, then ask yourself why you don’t do them. Usually the answer will be because you’re not incentivized to do so.
- With that list, calculate the revenue you could earn if you did all that, and now negotiate with your boss.
- “Boss, I want to do X and Y, and I calculate if I do X and Y the company could save Z€ and earn A€. Give me B weeks to prove it to you, and if I do and meet my objectives, reward me for it by giving me C. Deal?”
19. Don’t quit your day job until it is costing you money.
- As long as more money is coming in than going out, don’t quit your day job.
- Once your side hustle starts making enough that by working your day job you’re losing money on your side hustle, only then quit your day job.
20. People don’t buy on price, so don’t sell and compete on price.
- Amazon and Walmart compete on price, and they will beat you. So sell on brand and reputation and value.
- You’re not going to get rich off of selling 17€ products. If people won’t buy at 17, or they will only buy at 17€, then your reputation is the problem; not your price.
- Be recognized as an ‘expert in your field.’
- When you sell on cheap, you have more complaints and difficult customers. Constantly increase your price by constantly improving your reputation.
21. Learn to shut up and listen.
- Most people won’t shut up about their business once they start one. You learn nothing that way.
- Surround yourself with people who make money, and then shut up and listen. People who make money know something you don’t know, there are lessons to be learned everywhere.
- There is nobody you cannot learn from. Sit, listen and adopt.
22. Have multiple approaches to a client.
- If you reach a deadend with a specific salesperson or strategy, bring in a new sales person with a different strategy.
23. Attention is free advertising.
- Do whatever it takes to get attention. There’s no such thing as bad attention today.
- YouTube has proven the attention economy: complete idiots on YouTube making millions with useless content.
- Advertising is simply paying for attention. Find ways to get attention then monetize it.
- Andrew Tate’s Star Wars Twitter thread provoked millions of Star Wars fans, then he shamelessly promoted his “How to pick up women” training in that thread, which lead to 1000s of new sales.
- How do you get the attention of clients that have millions of distractions? By remembering their names, being friendly, making them feel valuable, and using quality thumbnails on social media
24. Play on people’s insecurities.
- Everybody has vices and insecurities. Twist and use them to make money.
- Tell them what their problem is, show them your product and promise them you’ll make things better for them. Are you selling a protein shake? Don’t sell “great taste.” Tell them:
- “You won’t be strong without my product? Get in better shape with my product than without it.”
- “You need protein shakes or your time in the gym isn’t best spent.”
25. Your network is everything.
- You help people and they help you.
- Surround yourself with other business people who also think about money and analyse business models. Your brainstorming and collaborations will make you all money collectively.
- You cannot surround yourself with losers and expect to become a winner. Even if you’re the winner amongst losers, you’re still a loser.
- If winners won’t accept you, then your reputation is the problem.
- Your network probably needs to change for you to move up in your life.
26. Don’t get excited about money.
- Learn emotional control. Until the money is in your bank account, it is not in your bank account.
- Business is just monetary exchange. Don’t be giddy and pathetic.
- Don’t live in the past. Always look to the future for new money. Money earned yesterday doesn’t count towards today.
- Don’t take the next day off because the day before was so good. The revenue clock resets at midnight.
- The time you waste being happy is time you could have invested earning more money.
27. Send people their money back.
- Sell your product to a client. Once they pay in call them and tell them “Listen. Things have changed and now is not the best time for you to buy X. We could still do the campaign but it won’t be best for you or me. It’s better to wait Y days. So, I’m sending your money back and I’ll let you know when the time is right.”
- Then in Y days call them back and say “Hi, the time is now perfect! And for Z€ more than previous purchase you’ll maximize your offer.” Doing this can effectively double your turnover with no additional effort.
28. People don’t buy things until they are hard closed.
- Soft closing is nice, but it takes longer and you lose a lot of time.
- It is better to just go hard and either get the business or not. Out of 10 prospects: it’s better to close 5 and lose 5 in 12 hours than it is to waste 2 months selling to 10 ‘maybes.’
- People either want to do business with you, or they don’t. Don’t let ‘Maybe’s’ waste your time.
29. Business isn’t real until they have paid.
- Even if the contract is signed until the money is in the bank they can always back out.
- You could take them to court, but that takes so much time and costs so much money in legal fees that it’s usually not worth it, especially considering the money you could have earned at the same time. Focus on speed. Legal is slow.
30. Convince people they need whatever it is you sell.
- Don’t sell your product, sell their need and your solution.
- It doesn’t matter how many pages your book is or how many hours of videos your training is.
- Coffee shops sell you on the price of coffee, on the type of coffee beans, on comfortable chairs, on free wifi… They rarely sell the need. You NEED coffee because you’re tired.
31. Contracts and legal paperwork are useless.
- Contracts may make you sound smart and intimidating, but until you’re rich and making million-dollar deals and have enough revenue, contracts and legal paperwork are not real.
- Legality defies lesson 1: Speed is important. Legal is slow.
- Do business based on trust and mutual, vested interest.
32. Make sure your partners need you, and you need your partners.
- When you’re no longer needed, you’re discarded. Always be needed; not wanted.
- When you no longer need your partners, move on. Find new partners or outsource independents
33. Every purchase is an impulse purchase.
- A house, an insurance policy, even if it takes a lot of time, at the point of buying it is an impulse purchase.
- This is why you must hard sell. If I can buy your product any time I want, then I’ll put it off until later, and later will probably never buy.
34. Sell your clients a future.
- When you talk about the future, you’re presuming the present. Sell the future.
35. Always sell the results of a product, not the product itself.
36. Image sells.
- The quote “It’s not how much you make, it’s how much you save” is bullshit.
- To sell, you need to present a nice image; and your reputation. To present a nice image you need a nice car, watch, clothes, and to be in good physical shape.
- When you look wealthy and successful, people take you more seriously and will more readily give you their money.
37. Speak professionally and convincingly without sounding like a moron.
- ‘Um…’ and ‘Er…’ as placeholders in conversation indicate low confidence and will lose you deals. Instead, repeat their question to give you time to think.
38. Develop a high-stress tolerance.
- Everything will go wrong all the time.
- On the extremes, you have people who don’t care about anything, and you have people who care far too much about everything. You need to be in the middle: care about things mentally but not emotionally.
- Money making is stress tolerance; you’re taking on someone else’s stress in exchange for cash.
- Life is stressful. Being rich is stressful.
39. When you find a loyal person, find work for them.
- Don’t have a job and then find an employee.
- Companies never run out of work to do.
- If you’re running a business and can’t think of work for an employee to do, you don’t deserve to run a business.
- If you’re an employee and can’t think of work to do, you don’t deserve your paycheck.
40. Never be content.
- It’s never good enough. Be realistic.
- Don’t be delusional, but aim way too high. The higher you aim, the higher you’ll get.
- If your product is good, and you’re doing a good job, and you’re selling it to the whole world, then why don’t you deserve a high goal?
41. Have irrational self-confidence without being a bullshitter.
- People like, trust, and will spend money on confidence.
- Be able to say “I’m the best at what I do. You’re not going to find anyone better than me in this industry at this price point.”
- Niche down until you can confidently say this.
42. Money cannot be made, only taken.
- Only governments ‘make money.’ You take money from someone else.
- Answer their question: “Why should I give you my money?”
- Money is like water; it is always moving. Be in the right place at the right time, and you’re gonna get wet.
- 99% of people are middlemen.
43. Never make anyone irreplaceable.
- If you cannot survive without a specific person or thing, you’re in trouble.
- Know your passwords, calendar, and your best salespeople.
- Have your best employees train the other employees in exchange for compensation.
44. Get people to confirm what they need, then tell them they cannot have it.
- Tell people they cannot have things. When they can’t have things, they want it. Scarcity can be artificially created.
- Example conversation:
- “Hi, I want to buy two flux capacitors.”
- “Sorry, I don’t have any right now due to high demand. What do you need them for? Maybe we have a better solution (to reconfirm in his mind why he needs it).”
- “I need them for X and Y.”
- “I’ll get back to you quickly.”
- “Okay, I can get you two flux capacitors. Are you looking to purchase right away?”
- “No.”
- “Okay, then I’ll give them to someone who wants them right away. ”
45. You already know what you should do for your business and how to make money.
- You’re just being slow and lazy. If you really wanted it, you’d have it.
- Too much waiting. Too much talking. Not enough action. There is nothing to wait for.
- Your idea should be ready the same day.
46. War is profitable, but not always.
- You need a strategy for going to war.
- Before going to war with competitors you need to decide if it is your best course of action. What are your end goals and how are you going to achieve them?
- To sell products? Why? How?
- To defame an opponent? Why? How?
- To get rich? Why? How?
47. Instill FOMO the correct way.
- Instead of artificially creating scarcity (sale ends soon, limited supply…), talk about how many other people have already bought your product.
- “I’ve had 50 people sign up in the last 2 weeks.”
- “I had 2 job interviews last week.”
- “I’ve worked with companies X and Y.”
- “March is a really busy time of year for us, our clients are already preparing for Christmas.”
48. Chaos and opportunity are the same thing.
- Every cloud has a silver lining, so develop a high-stress tolerance.
- Apply speed to fix problems and find a way to profit from them.
49. View all of your offers from your buyers’ eyes.
- Never assume the buyer has knowledge. The general public won’t know if massage oil is ‘the best.’ They won’t care. Massage oil is just oil to them.
- So either you educate them in your advertising about why your massage oil is worth buying over alternatives, or you remove the price barrier and sell something cheaper to save them money.
50. If you want an unbiased opinion on your product or company, ask your mother.
- Your mother will be an example of a typical consumer.
- If the average unaware consumer says “It’s too expensive”, then you’ve got a reputation problem.
- Conversations with incompetent people will help you identify all of your problems straight away. There is a level of intelligence that comes from absolute stupidity.
51. Money will never motivate your staff.
- Pay them, but there are better ways to motivate them.
- Money is numbers and numbers never end.
- People give their time and money away for free all the time., but you have to pay people who don’t like you a lot of money.
- Find people who enjoy what they do when they work with you, and they’ll do it for cheap.
- When you’re hiring on commission only, you can hire anyone who applies. Those who provide true value and like it will stay. Sell them on respect and future goals.
- Don’t pay staff ‘the most’; pay them what they deserve based on ROI.
52. Success is exponential
- One success leads to far more successes and far more quickly.
- It’s hard to make a million, but it gets easier from there.
- The problems change as you get rich, but it gets easier.
- Develop a high stress tolerance.
- Through time and deliberate practice, you get quicker and better.
53. Nobody is broke.
- They’re simply buying other stuff and decided they want that more than they want your offer. They don’t want your stuff enough.
- To make your stuff more important, promise it will lead to more X later.
- “You don’t have money? Buy my product and it’ll make sure you have money.”
- Some businesses are recession-proof: religion, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, porn… vices.
54. Nothing ever fixes itself.
- Fix things quickly before it gets worse. Speed. The longer you wait, the worse it compounds.
- Don’t be afraid to be a hard ass with people on broken things.
- Always be on the lookout for problems that can be fixed before they become too costly.
- You can have your best ideas in panic mode. 2 or 3 days of no new sales should put you in panic mode.
55. Never say “No” to money.
- “We don’t take Bitcoin.” People have loads of unique ways of paying.
- Create a golden bridge to make it easy for anybody to pay you money.
- If you’re prepared to pay the price I’m asking, I’m prepared to get your job done.
56. Diversify your income to become anti-fragile against attacks.
- Especially about big tech and how you get paid.
- Be near impossible to stop. Don’t go ‘off the grid’; be on so many grids that no single entity can stop you.
- Prevent a single government or person or thing from having total access over your entire life and revenue.
- Opportunities don’t last forever and things get destroyed.
- Nothing is stopping you from going to another country and applying to get a foreign driver’s license along with an international driving license or a second citizenship. Then if you get a speeding ticket in the US and pull out a Polish driver’s license, what are the police going to do? American police cannot legally revoke a driver’s license from a different nation.
57. Debt in many cases isn’t real.
- Some business people will not pay an invoice until you take them to court, knowing most people will write the debt off.
- You can always move on and find a new supplier.
- It takes a long time to collect debt from a person.
- If you never want to do business with that person again, there’s no point in even paying them at all.
- Once people get desperate for money, you can give them an ultimatum and negotiate a good deal from your initial debt.
- Don’t worry about debt, worry about money coming in. Get in debt if it brings money in.
- Don’t have debt in your name, have it in a company’s name you can close.
58. Don’t pay unless you have to, but don’t damage your reputation.
59. Human Resources is bullshit.
- As the leader you do the most work so people respect you.
- Be positive and focus on the future. Not threats.
60. It doesn’t matter what you sell, it matters how you sell it.
- Be antifragile. Control what people know about you, then use what people know about you to sell. If your narrative is not selling, then change it.
61. Play to people’s strengths, with staff and clients.
- Details matter. Some people are more adaptable, more stress resilient, a harder worker, more attractive…
- Outsource your weaknesses.
- Exploit your clients’ and opponents’ weaknesses.
62. Satisfy immediate needs because people are lazy and prefer short-term gain to long-term.
- You haven’t got a sales pitch if you haven’t got an immediate need.
63. Never assume work has been done.
- Check on your clients and your staff.
- Deadlines mean nothing. Thin binary: Is it done? Yes or No.
- “If I didn’t see it get done, then it didn’t happen.” Until it’s done, it isn’t done.
64. Everybody loves winners.
- Nobody likes or trusts losers.
- Never admit a problem, and never admit you struggling.
- Winners in life are brash.
65. Keep an eye on competitors and steal their ideas.
- Especially before the competitor’s idea gets traction. Then go for speed! Better pictures, quality, etc.
- Even if you don’t beat them, just take away as much of their momentum as you can.
66. Money and business is your life, meaning it is all you do.
- Mix business and pleasure wherever you can and surround yourself with people who share this mentality.
- Participate in hobbies with people who are also into making money.
- Wherever you go, turn it into a business trip.
67. Develop a phone addiction.
- Social media and online content created to get you visibility and growth.
- Burnout doesn’t exist.
- Going online periodically doesn’t get you rich, you have to live online.
- Put all apps that generate money on your phone’s homepage. All other apps, delete or hide them.
68. Nothing that you sell is too good to be true.
- Everything you sell is ‘the best in that industry at your price point.’
- Soft selling won’t get you what you want in life; go for the hard sell.
- People want the best at an affordable price? Okay, then you’ve got ‘the best’ for them.
69. Spot bullshitters.
- Find out if people have money or if they’re pretending they do. Symbols of money are important in life, which is why so many people try to lie about it.
- The car they drive is a good starting point.
- Rich but greedy and stingy people won’t make good clients or partners.
70. Understand how, where, and why clients bought.
- Understand how they found you., but the most important is WHY they bought you. ONLY care about the WHY. WHY are the triggers you need to incorporate into your sales and marketing pitch?
71. Everything is a sell.
- Always make sure you get credit for work you’ve done.
- Every client request is an opportunity to upsell them or to sell them more and make it look like you did more work.
- Example conversation:
- “I need to change my reservation.”
- “Okay, but you were booked months ago. Let me see what I can do and I’ll get back to you.”
- “We can change your reservation, but you’ll need to decrease reservation time from 2 hours to 1 hour for the same price or increase price by $X. Which do you prefer?” At the very least let the client know their modification of the promised deal is inconveniencing you and you’re doing them a favor.
72. Take every offer seriously.
- Let people talk. If people want to give you free important information, let them teach you for free. Always let people talk to you. Even if you have no intention of ever giving them money.
- Don’t be afraid of going over a prospect’s head and selling to their superior. If the Marketing Manager turns down your great offer, call the Marketing Director and tell them you offered the Marketing Manager an unbeatable offer and he turned you down. Don’t be afraid to get him in trouble.
73. You don’t have to understand it to make money.
- Crypto-currency, for example. No matter how many videos you watch and how much you learn, you’re not going to change the global Bitcoin market. Some things are out of your hands. Just be sure you understand the important things.
- All the time you spend learning about something is also the time you could have spent earning money elsewhere, so even if your investment money is lost, it will have been offset by the money you made in the meantime.
- Need to know a subject deeply? Hire and pay professionals to know for you.
- It is possible you could learn enough to replace those paid professionals and make money yourself, but weigh the time lost with the amount of money you could have earned at the same time.
74. Politics is for big-boy business. Not you, you’re a hustler.
- Politics is a mental trap. Better be a multi-million small-timer and not have to worry about politics.
- Until you’re so rich that politics matters, don’t care about it and instead diversify your wealth so political change doesn’t affect you financially.
75. Sales is always urgent.
- Get commitment by deposit ASAP. Until the money is in your bank account, it is not in your bank account.
76. Rules don’t make people rich.
- Rules are to be broken.
- Don’t say you can’t do something. Say you can do it if they pay you $X. Make them pay, then find a way. Worst case give them their money back and blame external factors unrelated to you.
77. Stick to your tools and always keep them sharp.
- Stay ready and ahead of the game. Assume your competitors are.
- Roleplay and practice your sales pitches and conversations and alternatives to every possible scenario that deviates from your script.
78. Good salespeople are thorough and follow their script to the letter.
- Once good, they become lazy.
- When Instagram launched, no companies thought ‘We need to optimize our television commercials for social media.’ Now teenagers have more influence than multi-million $ brands.
79. Create problems and instantly solve them.
- Tell the client they don’t understand X, and that you’ll fix it for them.
- Combine created problems with the WHY the client wants to buy, and you’ll never run out of sales. “You have a problem because your flux capacitor valve doesn’t work efficiently and you’re wasting money. I have the solution that will save you money.”
80. Buying from you should make people feel happy and important.
- Make them feel happy and important and they’ll never stop buying from you. Most people don’t feel happy and important.
- Make them feel prestigious and they’ll pay retainer fees to keep working with you, and to keep you from working with their competitor.
If you have any confusion or questions, feel free to drop them down in the comments down below.
I will try to answer them as soon as possible.